Physical therapy can be needed in many instances, such as a deteriorating medical condition, a stroke, or other conditions that can seriously limit physical mobility.
These situations can be highly traumatic and require extensive adjustment for the patients experiencing them. This is where we come in. At Home Care RN, we want to give the best service to all of our clients whenever a need arises. Our expert physical therapy staff can ensure that patients who need to regain strength and mobility do so in timely manner, under our compassionate care.
Our Physical Therapy Professionals
You can expect the very best from our physical therapy professionals. We provide support, guidance and expert care, as well as an effective path for improving mobility. Our service is optimized to provide the most efficient recovery possible.This starts with post op teaching and rehabilitation because we believe that when patients are taught what to expect beforehand, they make far greater progress.
Different Types of Physical Therapy
Physical therapy can be provided in different ways, such as mobility, transfer and gait training. Additionally, therapeutic exercise is a great physical therapy option that can improve many conditions or weaknesses.
For many patients, the biggest challenge is using a prosthetic device, a wheelchair, or walker. Our professional therapists can help you learn to use your new medical device and minimize your risk of injury.
Physical Therapy With Home Care RN
Home Care RN offers the following options for physical therapy care:
- Mobility, gait, or transfer training
- Evaluation for home safety
- Post-op teaching and rehabilitation
- Training of an adaptive or prosthetic device
- Strength training
- Therapeutic exercise
- Weight bearing training
If you need more information on our physical therapy services, feel free to visit us or give us a call at any time.